Meet The Team: Tam (Print Coordinator)


First name: Tam

What is your role at BlackMilk? Print Coordinator

How long have you been working at BM? 6.5 years

What does a typical day at work look like for you? I work in a very special place! People call it the  “Print Room” or “Print Lab”, I call it the “Print Barrack”. Doors and windows are always closed for constant temperature control so that the machines can work optimally. I operate seven high-speed commercial textile printers, three computers, and six monitors. The constant smell of ink and sometimes the misty clouds of the humidifiers make the print room look like another planet. 

My duties are quite simply shown with an acronym: BSSRMM

B–Bulk print outputs


S–Strikes off


M–Material stocktakes

M–Machine maintenance

How did you get into the role of Print Coordinator? I started at BM with a role in pressing while I trained as a print technician.

I have 25 years experience in the clothing industry, especially in sports and uniform wear. I entered the industry from working in a family-owned tailor to commercial textiles with cutting, screen printing, sublimation printing and signage printing.

In 2020, our production line had split BMS into two separate departments (Printing and Pressing). In the same year, after our main print technician had moved into a different role, I was appointed to the role of Print Coordinator.

What’s your fave thing about working at BM? We’re ‘all-in’ no matter what.

What BlackMilk work achievement are you most proud of? I ensure our printed products are produced at top quality and low cost. 

With the upgrading of new Enhanced Ergosoft software, we are able to accommodate and reproduce all types of graphic artworks, either RGB or CMYK at higher quality. I also make sure our running costs, including machine servicing and maintenance, stay at a minimum. With the Machine Maintenance Program I undertook for the last three years, we were able to reduce the costs of print-head replacement significantly!

What’s your fave BlackMilk piece? The long-sleeve bodysuits are always one of our most popular styles, and they’re easy to print!

Describe your style in three words Black-Long-Black.

“Black” stands for BlackMilk and “Long Black” stands for long black coffee. I love these three words and can’t live without them; they’re part of my daily life in printing. 

What do you love to do in your spare time? Walk the dogs, garden, and do a small tradie job.

Fave food? Anything that comes together nicely with a glass of Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon, finishing up with a side of cheese and crackers or peanuts and a nip of Seven Hills Sacramental Port.

Do you have a hidden talent? I think I do, but can’t remember the last time I used it. From memory, I have been able to play Romance and Hotel California on acoustic guitar since I was eight years old.

What can’t you live without? The kids and the dogs.

What are three items you’d take with you to a deserted island? A bottle of water, a cap, and a pair of thongs.

What book should people read? I think people should read comic books because they’re not spurious. 

What was the last show you binge watched? Believe it or not I watched Barbie. That was an exception: I normally watch animal and political documentaries, and sometimes religious documentaries.

What are you listening to at the moment? ABC news, podcasts and 70s/80s music. Still love Micheal Jackson, Madonna, The Beagles, Boney M. When I need a pick-me-up, I listen to the song Paradise (Not for Me) by Madonna.

If you could go anywhere on your next holiday, where would you go?  Madagascar, I’d like to see the animals there.  

Anything else to add? I was a part-time BMS casual to a permanent employee which was a big leap for me! Nevertheless, I would not have succeeded if BM’s HR, Management and People did not give me the opportunity and support that they have had during the last six years. I am proud to be part of BM’s family. 

Just for fun, show us your pets!! Here are my two dogs: Archie (white male) and Milo (female brown) pomeranians. Archie is very submissive and patient but scared of heights and hates baths. Milo is very quiet but she likes to cuddle and sit in the water pond for hours.