It’s so long since we saw the sun, I’m sure its light has forgotten our faces

Just as we have forgotten many things...

But never the sound of her voice.

Or the music that once filled these walls...

That now can only be heard as an echo.

It feels as though we’ve walked these halls a thousand times...

And climbed stairs by the millions.

Though strangely, our footsteps seem to now be silent.

“Be good,” she told us. “Or you will be punished.”

Sometimes her words become screams in our minds...

Because now, it seems, our punishment has indeed come

In the form of an eternity.

Trapped, as time kept turning without us...

As dust collected in rooms once full of life...

And precious metals became worn, and tarnished.

In truth, this house was always our prison.

Our confinement began centuries ago...

And even our deaths didn’t free us.